Friday, July 15, 2016

Fitness Friday Weekly Round-Up

I have yet to write a blog post that is all about me and my fitness journey. I have been trying to stay away from getting personal and just be informative....BUT I had such a great week that I wanted to share.

Why did I have a great week?

Well, this week I started a program called Charlie Mike on by Ashley Horner. I wasn't sure what to expect with this workout but I really needed something that would push me and give me motivation. I found it. This program is broken down into weeks. Each week is different and each day is a different focus area. The first week for me was so fun! I did things I had never done before.

What's the program like?

It is a 6 week program that each week you will be adding weight and working on endurance. The first week you want to see where you are at with max weight of the basics. Squat, deadlift, push-press and bench press. There is also a day to find your fastest mile time. There is also rowing, which is nice because I just got a rowing machine so now I have a reason to use it and not let it collect dust. You need to be keeping track of your numbers so you can see where you are making improvements and what needs work.

Why do I like this program?

I am the type of person that needs change, I know that you shouldn't be changing your workouts often but I can't help it, 2 weeks and I'm bored. Hoping that since it is a 6 week program it will help me stay focused on one thing. I have been adding my weight routine after because this week was just to find max weight of things and it didn't give me enough of a workout, but I'm sure that will change. This program has many things that I needed to work on also. 

What do I hope to accomplish?

My goals for this program is to drop a little bit of weight and add some muscle tone. Mostly I want to be able to do a pull-up and handstand. I want my bench press number to go up and my squats to be easier. That's not to much to ask I think! I haven't been able to do it on my own so I hope that sticking with this program I will see an improvement.

Is it something you can do?

I think that if you are already on the fitness journey and have some weight workouts under your belt then you should be able to do this workout. Just don't try to over do it. Start at a level that is comfortable for you and work up. If you start off to heavy than you could injure yourself. Of course you should push it just a little or you won't be doing any good. I haven't done some of the workouts on here but that is just part of the fun in working out, pushing your limits and learning what your made of.

Would I recommend it?

Yes, Yes I would. I think that for a free program that you can install an app for easy access it is a great choice to get you motivated. If you are like me and like to have someone to push you than Ashley would be the one. 

*what workouts did you enjoy this week? 

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