Thursday, December 1, 2016

Dealing with DOMS

Dealing with DOMS. You may not know what on earth DOMS is or are like me and wanted to know why it kept affecting you.

Well, DOMS is, delayed onset muscle soreness and more than likely you have had to deal with it if you are in some way an athlete or just starting to workout. 

If you have, then you know that it can be very painful. I suffered quite often from DOMS so I started to look into what causes it.

According to Wikipedia DOMS is soreness caused by eccentric exercise. It is pain you will feel the onset of it after 24 hours up to 72 hours.

The old idea that DOMS is caused by build up of lactic acid has been disproved by this article. So if it's not lactic acid then what is it?

Inflammation is the culprit states this article. I feel that there is something behind this. I suffer from inflammation and have for some time and can see that being the case.

Of course you are doing some damage to your muscles and tissues also so that will cause some pain. "no pain, no gain" Is the saying, right! Well lets try to limit the pain part!

How to reduce inflammation?  

* Diet- remove foods in your diet that cause inflammation and add foods that fight it

* Take your fish oil/ omega-3 supplements

* Get plenty of rest and de-stress often

* Excersize, try to stay active. The longer you sit the harder it is on your body

I hope this gave you some ideas on how to help with DOMS and if you have any helpful hints, please leave me a comment.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

3 week review of Hammer & Chisel

Have you ever done a program that you just were unsure of? One that you could do the moves OK but there just was nothing great to keep you wanting more?

Well that is what I have been feeling with this Hammer & Chisel program. I am doing fine with the moves all be it some of them are more difficult than others.

 Being out in my garage gym the jumping around has really taken a toll on my heel so if you are going into this program with an injury be cautious of it because it may get worse.

So far this program is great for your legs. That is a plus, but I feel like I'm still having to do my regular weight routine on top of it. I was hoping to find it did a good job on it's own. 

I can see where it would work for people who have never done a weight routine before. it gets you use to using weights.

What are the pros?

* It is a workout you can do at home
*  It doesn't require a lot of weight or equipment
* Can be done in a half hour or less

What are the cons?

* I find the voices to be annoying (I'm weird!)
* It could use more weights on some

I also have to point out that if you are like me and find it hard to do a program that the voices of the trainers annoy you , then this is not for you. Not only are they hard to follow the man seems to have an undertone of....well...I hate to say it because it sounds so weird but it sounds kind of sexual. Like you know when your talking to someone and there is double entendres. 

That is kind of how my husband and I interpret it. Now we may be completely miss reading it or just taking it the wrong way but for me it makes it harder to workout. 

We have 5 more weeks to go so I will be doing another review when we complete it.

*If you have done this program please leave me a comment on how you liked it. I'm interested to see what others think.