Wednesday, June 15, 2016

What extreme dieting will do to your gains

There are so many quick fixes out there for everything you could imagine, so why not weight loss too.

You can eat just grapefruits or drink lemon, honey, and cayenne. Then you have your detox's and the diets with the crazy names. What can that kind of extreme dieting do to your muscle gains?

The closest I have come to extreme dieting was doing Keto. That is restricting your carb intake. So what I am sharing is what I have learned because I had been interesting in trying what was called a "Shock Diet" and wasn't sure that it would be worth it.

I did learn that when your extreme diet includes cutting your protein intake then you will for sure affect your gains. You can't even begin to put on muscle until you take in enough protein because our muscles are built from digested protein. If you want to learn more about the right protein read this post.

Extreme caloric deficiency is hard not only on your muscles but your metabolism and hormones as well. People seem to think that if they take in less than they burn you will lose weight and it's all good. Well, really you are just losing water weight at first and then if you keep with it then you will end up losing three times more muscle than if you ate the calories you needed.

Basically, you should not go for an extreme diet if you care about keeping your muscles. There are plenty of healthy ways to lose the fat and keep your muscles. Then your gains will be more predominant when the fat is gone. Losing the fat should be done before trying to grow your muscles.

*Would you try an extreme diet?

Monday, June 13, 2016

Get your stretch on!

If you are anything like me, stretching is the favorite part of my workout!

I have never been one to stretch before a workout. I was told that if you stretch out the muscles too much then they are more prone to injury, but you should make it an important part of your routine.

A good minimum time to spend stretching is 10 minutes and on up from there.

How can you remember to stretch and make it a part of your workout?

1. If you are already using and app for your workout then you can add it to the end of your workout, that way it just flows and you don't have time to get distracted.

2. Set a timer. If you are doing your workout by the time you have available, you can just set a timer to go off a little before so you can squeeze in a stretch.

3. Create a fun stretching list with pictures, like you would a vision board and hang it right where you workout so you have to look at it.

4. Make it a two in one. I do my stretching when I'm doing my yoga\meditation. I take my shoes off, roll out the mat, and put on my meditation chimes.

What are some poses?

1. Downward dog is a wonderful pose that stretches the arms and legs.

2. Pigeon pose works the legs and it can be made easy or more advanced as you adapt to it.

3. Crescent pose is another one that really works the legs and can help to transition into other poses.

4. Reverse warrior is great for the arms, back and legs. All warrior poses are good stretches for your legs and work your balance.

Stretching is so good for you that it should be done even on your rest days. You will reduce your risk of injury and increase your blood flow.

Anyway that you can remember, you should do. It will become a favorite part of your routines you won't forget!!

*How do you get your stretches in?