Friday, October 28, 2016

Overcoming Fears

How do you overcome a fear that is so intense that you feel it to your core?

I am going to share how I have slowly tried to overcome my fear of heights and hopefully, some of the things that worked for me will maybe work for you.

Some people say to show fear shows that you are weak. I think that is a harmful saying. A fear isn't always something you can control, but you can try to overcome it.

My fear of heights has been overwhelming in the past but there are things in my life I would like to accomplish so I need to work towards conquering it.

1. Identify the fear and where it stems from
Knowing the reason you have said fear will help you to examine why it has such a hold on you.

2. Come to terms with what gave you the fear
If you have identified that a fear stems from a traumatic incident in your past then really getting to the core of that and moving past it will give you the courage to try and let go of said fear.

3. Starting slow
I will use heights as an example. You shouldn't rush out and climb the biggest hill and look over the edge but maybe just find some stairs that seem more than you would usually climb and go as far as you can.

4. Set a GOAL
Goals are wonderful to have when working out a fear. It gives you perspective and accountability.
That goal doesn't have to be the top dog at first. Set little ones working up to what it is you really want. Remember that "Rome wasn't built in a day"

5. Continue to grow
As you set out to conquer your goals. Always take the time to look back at how you let go of the reason you had that fear. Be proud of yourself for how far you have come. Share with people and let them be supportive.

Having a positive attitude always helps to conquer fears. Once you get to that big goal you set for yourself you may have to pep talk your way through it and it is nice to have a support team also.

Once you have accomplished that goal, keep going! That fear may always be a small voice in the back of your mind but if you don't let it stop you then it won't win.

*What fear have you overcome? How did you accomplish it?

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Are Abs really made in the kitchen?

If you are anything like me, you workout till the cows come home but the stomach area does not budge.

The plan is to figure out why that is and how to correct it. I created a Pinterest board to help me get some pointers together and also a way to share with others who have the same problem. 


Jen talks about the same topic in this post. She has had 3 kids and shares how she was able to see her abs again. Clean eating is the way she suggests to go.

Keith has a different opinion than Jen as you will see in this post. He feels that it is all about doing the right workouts to build those muscles.

Charlene Johnson shared this post about the 80/20 rule. She supports that abs are made in the kitchen. She recommends a way to track that you are not taking in more than you are burning.


This is where I am torn. I have done the clean eating and have had no change in my midsection. I also have been working out consistently for months and still look the same in the stomach. So where do we go from here?

Well, like Antranick says in his post, we be patient!! This weight didn't get put on overnight so why would it come off that fast.


1. Install MyFitnessPal app to keep track of the calories going in.

2. Use Garmin/Fitbit to track calories burned.

3. No processed food.

4. Plenty of water/ no pop!

5. Continue workouts but don't stress if they don't work overnight.

* Do you have any suggestions or favorite trick to a six-pack?

Monday, October 24, 2016

AB Challenge

Here we go again! I have created a two week AB challenge on my facebook group and I know that without some healthy eating this is not going to be a magic make over but It will help a little and it will at least get you into the habit of working your abdominal area.

Go to and ask to be added to the group if you would like to make friends and join the challenge. Also here it is for you to print off without having to join the facebook group.