Thursday, December 15, 2016

Slaying the sugar DEMON! Why I'm doing a Whole30

With the new year coming everyone has some resolutions that they want to make and I am no different. Mine is to slay my sugar demon. It has taken over my life again so it's that I come Whole30!!

Do you have a resolution that involves your health in some way? Do you want to eat healthier or stop drinking pop? Doing a Whole30 would help with that. It's like hitting the reset button on your body.

First things first. You need to have a solid WHY to be doing this because if is flimsy then more than likely you won't be as committed and fail. This is not something to be taken lightly. Giving up stuff you have grown an addiction to is hard so go at it with a strong, positive mind-frame.

My reason for taking on another Whole30 is to get my addiction to sugar under control. I have done 3 other Whole30's and the longer I am post-Whole30, the more I fall back to bad habits. It starts with just a little cookie and piece of pizza, followed by a pop. Then it is 2 monsters a day followed by 3 pieces of pizza twice a week.

I have been having serious issues with inflammation and getting injured when working out and that has become my life so to get rid of the inflammation that comes with bad eating habits would be wonderful. And I am dealing with chronic exhaustion. I try to find a solution with loading up on artificial stimulants but it just is making it worse.

Those would be my NSV to come from this round of Whole30. I don't even care if I lose any weight. I got that covered with my workouts I just want to feel better and I know that after my carb flu the first week or so I should feel better or I guess I should be saying that I HOPE I feel better. There is no way to tell.

I think that if you have had any thoughts like I do, if what I just said sounds like you and want to try to feel better than why not try it. It's only 30 days. You can do it!!

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