Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Why a rest day should be a must day

Do you feel guilty if you miss a workout? "I feel just fine working out every day," you say to yourself. I just have an active rest day.

Those are fine and all but to avoid injury sometimes you need to take care of yourself and have a rest day or two.

What happens when you take a rest day?

It gives your body a recovery period, meaning that your tissue that was broken down during your activity, will have time to repair itself. You are also able to build back up your energy levels. 

Having scheduled rest days also help burnout and overtraining from not taking hold. There should be no reason to feel like you need to workout every day. It's healthy to take a break, for your mind and body.

How often should you take a rest day?

I would say that this question can not be answered just one way. This depends on the person. If you are lightly active than I would say you could easily get by with one rest day but if you are a highly active person and your workouts are intense, one is a  must and two might even work.

Sometimes when you are going hard for an extended amount of time then maybe a week of light activity/rest would do you some good.

What are some things to do on a rest day?

You may think that a rest day means you have to lay around on the couch eating ice cream but it doesn't have to. You could try Yoga and stretches. Depending on where you live, you could get outside and do yard work. If you have a dog, take them for a nice walk. Rest days don't have to make you feel like you're missing out.

*What do you do on your rest day?

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