Monday, November 7, 2016

22 Minute Hard Corps Review

I just finished up the challenge pack of 22 Minute Hard Corps and thought that I would share in case anyone out there was curious about what it's like before taking the plunge.

I had never even heard of Beachbody or Shakeology before 8 weeks ago. Someone sent me a DM on Instagram about how inspired they were by me and how would I like to try this program. I just happened to be getting bored with my current program so I figured why not.


* you receive 2 DVD's that have the programs on them plus and extra DVD for partner work.
* a calendar with the program all laid out as to what workout you do what day.
* a meal plan and recipes book.
* measurement tracker.
* portion control containers.

** mine came with a sandbag but mine was a special challenge pack. I'm not sure that comes with them all

The program is well organized. The calendar is so easy to follow. You will do cardio every other day and resistance training alternating. As the weeks goon the workouts get more difficult but there is always modifier to follow if it gets too hard.

You will be doing your workout along with Veterans from all service ranks which is why the name. It is coached by Tony Horton who is very animated so sometimes I did find myself laughing while working out.


I myself didn't lose any weight or inches but I did gain all sorts of strength. I am able to do push ups and started coming close to pull ups. My ability to do burpees without getting sick was increased so I'm OK with not losing weight. Sometimes it's not about weight.

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